Domestic response to intervention based on health recommendations on the environment and dogs in a locality with transmission of visceral leishmaniosis (Pto. Iguazú, Argentina, 2014-2016)
Leishmaniosis, Interdisciplinary Research, Health EvaluationAbstract
Introduction: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is an emerging parasitic disease in Argentina. In Puerto Iguazú, border with Brazil and Paraguay, vector and canine cases were registered in 2010; and in 2014 and 2015 there were two human cases. Objective: The objective of this article is to analyze changes at the micro-scale level after informing the cohabitants of the diagnosis of canine LV (LVC), letting them know the environmental management strategies to reduce contact with the vector. Method: It is a descriptive researh, which investigated in two moments (2014 and 2016) a non-probabilistic sample distributed based on the criterion of the best scenario for the presence of the vector (n = 55). Sampling points with the presence of vectors and at least one dog with LVC (n = 6/55) were selected, after a first entomological and veterinary diagnosis raking. Results: A single household implemented the suggested modifications. The changes were not enough to control the transmission. The hypothesis is that the control measures require intervention at a meso-scale (the neighborhood instead of the home), taking into account the real radius of vector dispersion. Conclusions: The risk of human infection due to VL is related to the way of life, including interspecies relationships. The human-dog relationships combine speciesism and post-humanism, which limits the effectiveness of “responsible ownership” as model of a healthy bond.
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