Quality of phytotherapeutic drugs registered in Brazil containing Aesculus hippocastanum extract
Aesculus Hippocastanum, Horse-Chestnut, Quality Control, Herbal Medicine, ANVISAAbstract
The seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum L. (Hippocastanaceae), known as horsechestnut, have been used in several parts of the world to treat chronic venous insufficiency. The present study aimed to evaluate the quality of commercial samples of herbal medicines containing extract of A. hippocastanum seeds. In total, 16 commercial samples from Brazilian market with a valid registration in March 2013 were analyzed for the concor-dance with the specifications contained in each application file approved by ANVISA. The fingerprint, the content of aescin, the mean weight and macro and microscopic analysis of these medicines were carried out in an official laboratory. Furthermore, the evalua-tion of the package leaflet and the packaging was achieved by an ANVISA specialist. The results showed that 13 of the 16 commercial samples analyzed were outside of the approved specifications. Therefore, it is imperative that the focus of health activities turn over to the monitoring and evaluation of the herbal medicines throughout its marketing.Downloads
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