Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on smoking cessation treatment
Anti-Smoking Campaign; COVID-19; Health Services Accessibility; Tobacco Use Cessation; Primary CareAbstract
Introduction: The new Coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on health systems worldwide. Smokers were directly affected by these changes. Objective: To measure the new Coronavirus pandemic impact on smoking cessation from the analysis of data from the Pernambuco State Tobacco Control Program. Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study, using data from the monitoring strategy of the State Tobacco Control Program of the State Health Secretariat of Pernambuco (SES-PE) as the unit of analysis, comparing services in the second quarter of 2019 and 2020. Results: Between May and August 2019, 3.282 smoking patients sought treatment for smoking cessation in SUS, in Pernambuco. In a similar period, between the months of May and August of the year 2020, treatment for smoking cessation was sought by 680 smoking users, representing a drop of 79,28%. In addition, the number of municipalities offering treatment for smoking cessation in SUS dropped from 97 to 36 (62,89%) and the number of primary health care units providing treatment for smoking cessation in SUS went from 277 to 80 (71,11%). Conclusions: The decrease in the offer of treatment by the State Program to Combat Smoking is worrying. Although its relation with COVID-19 has not been fully elucidated, the cessation of tobacco use has already established benefts. Thus, it is necessary to encourage the adoption of new strategies and technologies, using the window of opportunity that the fear of COVID-19/smoking association created.
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