Health surveillance actions in community pharmacies: Analysis of a national consultation




Health Surveillance; Community Pharmacy; Health Services; RDC No. 44/2009


Introduction: Law No. 13.021, August 8, 2014,  renewed the concept of  pharmacy, driving actions of the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) to update RDC No. 44, August 17, 2009, such as conducting a consultation directed to the National Health Surveillance System on the resolution. Objective: To identify health surveillance actions related to health services in community  pharmacies. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study  carried out with secondary data from the consultation addressed to municipal Health Surveys (Visa) promoted in 2019 by Anvisa. The responses of the 349 respondents were organized in the blocks ‘General Considerations’, ‘Structure’, ‘Process and Monitoring’ and categorized according to the question format (open or closed) and content, using health assessment parameters.  Results: The sharing of the dispensing location with other healthcare activities reflected a health risk regarding structure. Waste  management was the most cited process, surpassing those related to pharmaceutical assistance. As for monitoring, the document named Statement on Pharmaceutical Care proved to be a good  instrument for recording the activities performed, while notifcations of adverse events and technical complaints did not appear as a routine. The  decentralization in Visa actions is well established, but has evolved unevenly for regulated products and health activities, so that the RDC No. 44 of 2009 proved to be useful, but outdated in the impacting aspects to health services. Conclusions: The delimitation of health activities in pharmacies is a challenge for health surveillance, either by the adjustment of sanitary regulation, either by the technologies of products and services that are updated faster than the analysis of the risks involved in the its exposure to the population.


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How to Cite

Health surveillance actions in community pharmacies: Analysis of a national consultation. (2022). Health Surveillance under Debate: Society, Science & Technology , 10(1), 25-33.