Health surveillance actions in health services: integrative review 2012–2023
Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, v.12: e02239 | Published on: 16/09/2024
Health Services, Health Surveillance, Health Services SurveillanceAbstract
Introduction: Health surveillance actions are essential to guarantee the safety and quality of health services offered to the population. Objective: to understand evidence available in the literature on health surveillance actions in Brazilian health services. Method: Integrative review of indexed primary studies, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, from 2012 to 2023, in the CINAHL, Embase, LILACS/SciELO, PubMed and Web of Science databases. Articles were independently selected by peers and were exported to the Rayyan web. A script was used to extract data. Assessment of the methodological quality of the studies was carried out using the Guideline Critical Review Form for Quantitative and Qualitative Studies and the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. The strength of evidencewas assessed using the classification proposed by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2019). Results: The integrative review presented fourteen studies on health surveillance in health services. The literature found focused on the functioning of health services and working conditions within the scope of health surveillance. Pharmacy services, hemotherapy, mammography, dialysis, laboratories, maternal and childcare services, basic health units, hospitals, intensive care units, surgical centers, and material and sterilization centers were found. Non-conformities were evident in health services, use of the Risk Assessment Model, Logical Model, and Monitoring Programs in health surveillance practices. Conclusions: This study identified non-conformities in health services that represent failures to meet the necessary requirements for good practices. It highlighted the importance of monitoring programs to reduce health risks and highlighted the need for management strengthening and better working conditions in health surveillance.
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