Problematization methodology and use of the descriptor flowchartin the reorganization of the work process in health surveillance
Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, v.12: e02268 | Published on: 01/10/2024
Workflow, Health Surveillance Services, Health Human Resource Training, Unified Health System, Internship and ResidencyAbstract
Introduction: The field of work in Health Surveillance in the Unified Health System (SUS) has undergone considerable strategic reformulations in recent years, marked, above all, by the increase in technological and informational aspects in the routine of the work process. Although they represent advances and potential benefits, different obstacles have been mentioned by the sector’s work teams, which weigh on the training of workers to understand these transformations. Objective: To report the experience of developing a flowchart that describes the work process in health surveillance in a health district in Recife/PE. Method: The problematization methodology was used to guide the preparation and execution of the study. The methodology was carried out through collaborative practice and construction, involving professionals from the health surveillance sector, proposing the situational diagnosis of the work and the demands presented by the teams, associated with the role of the resident health professional as facilitator and driver of operationalization of the action described. Results: The construction and implementation of the descriptor flowchart in the reality of the health surveillance service enabled the reorganization of the work process and alignment between professionals, guided by teamwork in a collaborative and situational way. Conclusions: The proposal presents a pragmatic and pedagogical nature, by using the horizons of observation, action, and intervention directed to the field of work management in health surveillance, in order to seek the resolution of obstacles and critical formative knots that sometimes interfere in the full exercise of programmatic activities of the work field.
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