Quality of creatine supplements: a study based on content and labeling analysis

Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, v.12: e02269 | Published on: 26/11/2024





Quality Control, Nutritional Supplement, Creatine


Introduction: Increased consumption of supplements aiming at improving performance in training and gaining muscle mass contributed to the rise of sports supplements, with anemphasis on e-commerce, where the practicality of the purchase and sale of these products is preponderant. Objective: Aiming to contribute to the health of consumers, the objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of creatine supplements sold online through content and labeling analysis. Method: Six creatine samples from brands sold on e-commerce were compared with a reference sample purchased at a pharmacy manipulation. The Kjeldahl method was used to measure creatine, and a checklist based on RDC No. 243/2018 for the analysis of the labels. Results: After analyzing the samples, two failed in relation to creatine content, which was below the 20% limit established by the RDC No. 429/2020. In the labeling research, it was observed that the majority of samples (83%) were in disagreement with legislation current, and only sample C’s label met all the criteria evaluated. Conclusions: Considering the results obtained, it is evident that there is a need for oversight specifically directed at supplements given that the discrepancy between the amounts found raises concerns regarding the quality and safety of the products being marketed. It is important to highlight that scientific literature on this topic remains insufficient, even in the face of the significant growth of this market, necessitating research in the area of quality control of sports supplements to verify compliance with quality and safety requirements.


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How to Cite

Quality of creatine supplements: a study based on content and labeling analysis: Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, v.12: e02269 | Published on: 26/11/2024. (2024). Health Surveillance under Debate: Society, Science & Technology , 12, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.22239/2317-269X.02269