V. cholerae inspection in the port water of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a meteodological essay
Cholera, Infectious Disease, Port of Rio de Janeiro, Vibrio choleraeAbstract
This study aims to contribute to other studies on the possible emergence of cholera, with an entry point in the port area of Rio de Janeiro, according to a methodological essay based on the following: (i) nautical visitation monitoring, (ii) physicochemical data collection, and (iii) V. cholerae research using surface port-water samples. A total of 251 visitations were monitored, and 14 isolates of presumptive V.cholerae were analyzed. With regard to the nautical visitations, 24% of all monitored vessels came from endemic cholera regions. All isolates were characterized as V.cholerae non-O1 and non-toxigenic. However, the study area has environmental and social conditions suitable for the emergence of a cholera event, when the gene transfer process and factors associated with bacterial virulence are considered. We suggest further analysis and implementation of measures preserving the surrounding areas to achieve an improvement in the port water quality.Downloads
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