Determination of air fungal contamination in public kindergartens in Rio de Janeiro/ RJ
Indoor Air, Airborne Fungi, Indoor Air Quality, Nursery SchoolAbstract
This note presents measurements of fungal contaminants in two public nursery schools in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. One of the nursery school operates in an adapted floor in a building that belongs to the administrative sector of a federal hospital; the other is newer and was designed to be a nursery school. Measurements were obtained for airborne fungi, temperature and relative humidity. Each of these measurements was made in three points in nursery school A and four points in school B over four seasons – spring, summer, fall and winter. We compared the indoor environments and examined the variability in measured parameters between and within schools and across seasons. The level of all measured parameters was comparable for the two schools. It was observed that in the majority of the evaluated areas the indoor contamination was close to or superior to the outdoor contamination.
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