Instructions for Authors

Instructions to authors for preparing and submitting articles

  1. Considerations about editorial practices
  2. Publication sections
  3. Presentation of manuscripts
  4. Ethical Policies
  5. Plagiarism
  6. Conflict of interests
  7. Registration of reference biological material and DNA sequences
  8. Authorship
  9. Submission online
  10. Conditions for submission (authors must check and meet the conditions for submission)
  11. Manuscript judging process

1. Considerations about editorial practices

The publication of manuscripts depends on peer review and approval by members of the Editorial Board. Approval for publication will be based on the scientific content of the manuscript. The evaluation process can last an average of three (3) to twelve (12) months. Manuscripts in the following languages ​​are accepted: Portuguese, Spanish and English. Articles submitted in Portuguese or Spanish may be translated into English and published in these two languages. For articles submitted in English, there is no translation into Portuguese or Spanish.

In order to avoid possible conflicts of interest with the reviewers, authors are asked not to identify themselves in the body of the text.

The periodicity of the journal is continuous, with the possibility of publishing thematic issues that address relevant topics of a critical and reflective nature.

All details about the items required for submission of the manuscript are described according to the publication sections.

As a way of evaluating the occurrence of plagiarism, all manuscripts received are submitted to a similarity detection program between texts.

The ORCID and the link to the lattes curriculum of the first author and all co-authors must be informed at the time of submission of manuscripts, and in the cover letter.

Resolving conflicts of interest and ethical violations

Editors will take the necessary measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles where research misconduct or ethical violations occur, including plagiarism, manipulation of citations and falsification/fabrication of data, absence of relevant authorizations, discrimination, among others. Situations and allegations that come to the attention of editors and reviewers will be taken to the Editorial Board.

The works submitted to the journal are the full and exclusive responsibility of the authors and cannot be submitted simultaneously to another journal, in full or in part. If simultaneous publication or submission is identified in another journal, the manuscript will be disregarded, remembering that such an episode constitutes a serious lack of ethics by the author.

In case of approval and publication of the work in the journal, the copyright relating to it will become the property of the journal, which adopts the Creative Commons CC-BY License ( and the open access policy, therefore, the texts are available for anyone to read, download, copy, print, share, reuse, and distribute, with proper citation of source and authorship. In these cases, no permission is required from the authors or publishers.

The journal has an Editorial Board that contributes to defining its editorial policy.

Manuscripts must be included within the four thematic axes that guide Sanitary Surveillance (http:/ /

  1. Policies, organization and management of the National Health Surveillance System;
  2. Intervention Objects;
  3. Technology or intervention instruments;
  4. Health Surveillance and Society.
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2. Publishing Sections

Manuscripts sent for analysis can be inserted in the following sections:

Article – Result of empirical, experimental or conceptual research on a given topic (maximum 7,000 words and 5 illustrations).

Letter - Comment on the previous edition (maximum 1,200 words).

Short Communication – Includes preliminary research results, or even results of original studies that can be presented succinctly (maximum of 1,700 words and 3 illustrations).

Debate – Debate on a relevant topic that expresses the position of the authors and that may be confronted or complemented by one or more texts with different opinions or aligned with those of the first text (maximum of 7,000 words and 5 illustrations). Manuscripts submitted to the Debate section will always be requested from authors by invitation.

Experience report – Exposition of a specific practical activity or laboratory experience that occurs during the implementation of a program, project or problem situation, without the objective of testing hypotheses. It must be supported by theoretical support (maximum of 3,500 words and 3 illustrations).

Resenha – Critical review of a book published in the last two years related to the topic of Sanitary Surveillance and related disciplines (maximum 1,200 words).

Abstract - Document presenting a summary of research disclosed or previously published in conference proceedings.

Review - Critical review of the literature on topics relevant to Sanitary Surveillance with a description of established review methods and procedures (maximum 7,000 words and 5 illustrations).Voltar ao topo

3. Presentation of manuscripts

Format of manuscripts

The file with the text of the manuscript must be in .doc (Microsoft Word), .rtf (Rich Text Format) or .odt (Open Document Text) formats.

Text formatting must follow the following standards: use Arial font, paragraph with justified alignment and 1.5 line spacing. The font must be in bold and in size 16 for the title, 14 for the subtitles. In italics and size 12 for the identification of the authors. For the body of the text, normal font and size 12. Please do not write the title or subtitle in capital letters. The text must be numbered by lines.

Figures must be in .tiff or .jpg extension in high quality, without compression and with a minimum definition of 300 dpi. Tables and figure legends must be submitted in the body of the text, close to where they are cited. The illustrations must be sent as a supplementary file. Footnotes and attachments will not be accepted.


Depending on the section in which the manuscript is submitted, it must contain: section in which the manuscript is inserted, title, short title, structured abstract, keywords (maximum five), introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and references.

Title – must be succinct, precise and clearly reflect the content of the manuscript (in the original language and in English).

Short title – is the title that will appear in the header of the article. It must contain the essence of the subject in up to 50 characters with spaces.

Author(s) name(s) – all must provide full name and institutional affiliation (in ascending order, for example: College and University), city, state and country, URL CV Lattes and ORCID , in addition to email. The corresponding author responsible for the submission must inform his address, telephone and e-mail.

Structured abstract – should be prepared concisely, describing the purpose and results of the study. The abstract should contain a maximum of 260 words and have the following items: introduction, objective, method, results and conclusions. Texts in Portuguese and Spanish must present an abstract with an English version. If the original is in English, provide a Portuguese version.

Keywords – a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, translated into each language (keywords, palabras clave), giving preference to Science Descriptors da Saúde (DeCS, at the base of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) in order to index the text. For manuscripts in English, use Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) from National Library of Medicine (USA). If suitable descriptors are not found for the theme of the manuscript, free terms may be indicated.

Introduction – should briefly determine the purpose of the study, clearly presenting the justifications, its objectives, the state of the art and information that allow the reader to properly understand the results presented. The purpose of the manuscript must be explicit at the end of the introduction.

Method (*) - original articles must describe the details of the techniques used in order to favor the understanding, judgment and validation of the study. The reviews must have an appropriate methodological design in which criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies and a bibliographic search strategy consistent and compatible with the purpose of the study are specified. The experience reports must describe the institutional context, place and time of the experience, as well as the procedures to achieve the objectives proposed in the intervention. The authors must explain that the research was conducted within ethical standards and approved by the ethics committee.

Results (*) - offer a punctual description of the results obtained in the experiments necessary to support the conclusions of the research. The section can be divided into subsections, each with a subheading. Do not repeat in the text all data contained in tables and illustrations.

Discussion – should be limited to the importance of new information, relating it to existing knowledge. Only indispensable citations should be included. Both the limitations of the work and its implications for future research need to be clarified.

Results and Discussion – can be presented in combination.

Conclusions – must be presented in a clear and concise way, resuming the objective of the work.

Acknowledgements – should be brief and mention people, grants, projects and support received from funding agencies. Names of funding organizations must be written in full. This section is optional.

Citations in the text – must be indicated in superscript using Arabic numbers, in correspondence with the listed references, according to the sequence in which they are presented in the text. In the case of nominal citation, when there are more than two authors, only the first one should be cited, followed by “et al.”. Examples: Boas et al.10; Silveira e Silva21.

(*) Manuscripts submitted in the Article section must include all items contained in the structure. In the case of manuscripts submitted in the Debate and Experience Report sections, it will not be necessary to include the items methods and results


References must follow the Vancouver Norms, being numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are cited in the text. For more information, see (in Portuguese) or (in English). Unpublished results should not be included in the reference list. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus (

Some examples of references:

I - Articles in journals

a) Standard article (include up to six authors, followed by et al. if this number is exceeded). For example:

Pelegrini MLM, Castro JD, Drachler ML. Equity in the allocation of health resources: the experience in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Ciênc Collective Health. 2005;10(2):275-86. doi:10.1590/S1413-81232005000200002

Maximiano AA, Fernandes RO, Nunes FP, Assis MP, Matos RV, Barbosa CGS, et al. Use of veterinary drugs, pesticides and the like in water environments: demands, regulations and considerations about risks to human and environmental health. Ciênc Collective Health. 2005;10(2):483-91. doi:10.1590/S1413-81232005000200026

b) Institution as author:

The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical exercise stress testing: safety and performance guidelines. Med J Aust. 1996;164(5):282-4.

c) No indication of authorship:

Cancer in South Africa [editorial]. S Afr Med J. 1994;84:15.

d) Number with supplement:

Duarte MFS. Physical maturation: a literature review, with special attention to the Brazilian child. Cad Saúde Pública 1993;9(Suppl 1):71-84. doi:10.1590/S0102-311X1993000500008

e) Indication of the type of text, if necessary:

Enzensberger W, Fischer PA. Metronome in Parkinson's disease [letter]. Lancet. 1996;347(9011):1337. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(96)90987-3

II - Books and other monographs

a) Individual as author:

Cecchetto FR. Violence, culture and power. Rio de Janeiro: FGV; 2004.

Minayo MCS. The challenge of knowledge: qualitative health research. 8th ed. São Paulo: Hucitec/Rio de Janeiro: Abrasco; 2004.

b) Organizer or compiler as author:

Bosi MLM, Mercado FJ, organizers. Qualitative research of health services. Petrópolis: Voices; 2004.

c) Institution as author:

Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources - Ibama. Control of aquatic plants through pesticides and the like. Brasília, DF::Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources; 2001.

d) Book chapter:

Sarcinelli PN. Exposure of children and adolescents to pesticides. In: Peres F, Moreira JC, organizers. Is it poison or is it medicine: pesticides, health and environment. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2003. p. 43-58.

e) Abstract in conference proceedings:

Kimura J, Shibasaki H. ecent advances in clinical neurophysiology. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.

f) Complete works published in scientific events:

Coates V, Correa MM. Characteristics of 462 pregnant adolescents in São Paulo. In: Proceedings of the V Brazilian Congress on Adolescence; 1993; Belo Horizonte. P. 581-2.

g) Dissertation and thesis:

GCM oak. Federal public financing of the Unified Health System 1988-2001 [thesis]. São Paulo: Faculty of Public Health; 2002.

Gomes WA. Adolescence, pubertal development and sexuality: level of information of adolescents and teachers from municipal schools in Feira de Santana - BA [dissertation]. Feira de Santana: State University of Feira de Santana; 2001.

III - Other types of published work:

a) Newspaper article:

New assisted reproduction techniques make motherhood possible after the age of 40. Newspaper Brazil. January 31, 2004; ; P. 12

Lee G. Hospitalizations tied to ozone pollution: study estimates 50,000 admissions annually. The Washington Post. 21 Jun 1996;Sect. A:3 (col. 5).

b) Audiovisual material:

HIV+/AIDS: the facts and the future [video cassette]. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book; 1995.

c) Legal documents:

Brazil. Law No. 8080 of September 19, 1990. Provides for the conditions for the promotion, protection and recovery of health, the organization and operation of the corresponding services and other measures. Union Official Gazette. September 19, 1990.

IV - Material in press:

Leshner AI. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction. N Engl J Med. In press 1996.

Cronemberg S, Santos DVV, Ramos LFF, Oliveira ACM, Maestrini HA, Calixto N. Trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in patients with refractory congenital glaucoma. Arq Bras Oftalmol. In press 2004.

V - Electronic material:

a) Article in electronic format:

Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis. 1995[accessed 5 Jun 1996];1(1). Available from:

Lucena AR, Velasco and Cruz AA, Cavalcante R. Epidemiological study of trachoma in a community in Chapada do Araripe - PE - Brazil. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2004[accessed 12 Jul 2004];67(2). Available at:

b) Monograph in electronic format:

Reeves JRT, Maibach H. CDI, clinical dermatology illustrated [CD-ROM]. . 2nd ed. Version 2.0. San Diego: CMEA; 1995.

c) Computer program:

Hemodynamics III: the ups and downs of hemodynamics [computer program]. Version 2.2. Orlando: Computerized Educational Systems; 1993.Back to top

4. Ethical Policies

Visa in Debate follows the Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Every submission will be initially analyzed by the editor-in-chief, who will evaluate possible authorship problems (such as plagiarism, republication, approval by the Ethics Committee for research with human beings, etc.). Cases of possible misconduct will be analyzed according to the COPE flowchart.

Research with procedures involving human beings (interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, clinical studies, among other forms) needs approval recognized by an Ethics Committee. Upon submission, the authors must send approval by an Ethics Committee recognized by the National Research Ethics Committee (Conep) as a supplementary document, in accordance with the norms of Resolution No. 466/2012 ( of the National Health Council (CNS) or equivalent body in the country of origin of the research. The manuscript must contain the process number and the name of the Ethics Committee to which it was submitted and declare, when applicable, that the research subjects signed the free and informed consent form (TCLE). The norms applicable to research in Human and Social Sciences whose methodological procedures involve the use of data directly obtained from the participants or identifiable information can be accessed at the following link: . Access the resolution that regulates specific norms for research of strategic interest to the SUS. < /p>

The Editorial Board of Visa em Debate reserves the right to request additional information regarding the ethical procedures performed in the research.

Editors will accept manuscripts describing experiments conducted using animals. These experiments must be carried out in accordance with current legislation and authorized by the Ethics in Animal Use Committee. It is recommended that authors follow the guidelines in the ARRIVE Guide (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments).Back to top

5. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is unacceptable editorial behavior. Thus, the manuscripts submitted to the journal Visa em Debate will undergo a technical review for plagiarism analysis on the platform Ithenticate. After the data has been checked by the editorial team, in case of identification of plagiarism, the manuscript will be returned, with the indication of the problem, and the authors can make the necessary changes and submit the article again to the journal, so that the originality of the articles is guaranteed. manuscripts.

Visa in Debate bases its ethical principles on compliance with the ethical principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Visa in Debate adopts as a definition of misconduct that indicated by the Office Research Integraty (ORI), which consists of:

  • Fabrication: inventing data or results by recording or reporting them.
  • Spoofing: Manipulating materials, equipment, or research processes, or altering or omitting data or results, so that research is not accurately represented in the research record.
  • Plagiarism: is the appropriation of someone else's ideas, processes, results or words without giving proper credit.

Cases of plagiarism reported to the journal after publication of the articles will be analyzed by the Editorial Team and, in the event of confirmation of the complaint, the article will be removed from the journal.Back to top

6. Conflicts of interest

All participants in the editorial process (authors, reviewers, editors) must inform the existence of conflicts of interest of a financial nature or interpersonal relationship that may interfere with the research and/or the judgment of the manuscript.

Authors: inform the impact of the funding institution on the theoretical-methodological development of the research on which the manuscript is based, as well as on the discussions and results presented therein.

Reviewers: communicate the identification of the authorship of the manuscript and some types of personal and/or professional relationship (acting in the same group or research laboratory, link to the same institutional unit or department, rivalry or academic competition). Aware of this, it will be up to the associate editor to forward the manuscript to another reviewer.

Editors: communicate any type of personal or professional conflict of interest (institutional positions or representation) and consider potential ethical problems when selecting reviewers.

In case of non-compliance with the communication of conflict of interest by any of the participants in the editorial process and eventual discovery, the authors will have their text withdrawn, the reviewers will be excluded from the journal's bank and the editors will no longer compose the magazine frame.Back to top

7. Registration of reference biological material and DNA sequences

In the case of manuscripts that use biological reference material and DNA sequences, we recommend that the registration and prior deposit of this material and sequences be carried out in registered and publicly accessible collections, in addition to the inclusion of the respective identification number in the manuscript.Back to top

8. Authorship

Each author must specify in detail the type of contribution given in the elaboration of the research and the resulting manuscript. Such specification should come together with the “Letter of authorization for publication”, signed by all authors, scanned in .pdf format and sent as a supplementary document.Back to top

9. Submission online

Submission of manuscripts is done through the Visa em Debate page ( Initially, it is necessary to register as an author, in the register option, informing full name, complete affiliation, e-mail, ORCID (the ORCID identifier can be obtained at ORCID registration), and lattes curriculum link. After registration, the author must confirm all the conditions for submission, including the “Letter of authorization for publication” and the “Declaration of copyright”, fill in the manuscript data, going through the steps below, and then complete the submission.

a) Start submission;

b) Transfer of the manuscript;

c) Inclusion of metadata;

d) Transfer of supplementary documents (cover sheet, figures, tables, letter of authorization for publication, declaration of copyright, form on compliance with open science, etc.);

e) Confirmation.

If desired, the author may suggest potential reviewers (name, e-mail and institution) that he/she deems capable of evaluating the manuscript. This document must be attached to the system when transferring the supplementary documents. It will be up to the journal's editors to decide whether or not to accept the authors' suggestions.Back to top

10. Conditions for submission (authors must check and meet the conditions for submission)

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the compliance of the submission against all items listed in the conditions for submission and in this document. Submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be returned to the authors.

Some considerations should be observed:

a) The manuscript must contain the metadata (structure of the manuscript) according to the section in which it will be submitted. However, some metadata are relevant to all sections, and must be written in Portuguese and English, such as: title, abstract and keywords. Manuscripts submitted in other languages ​​must also present metadata in Portuguese.

b) The complete inclusion of all authors involved in the manuscript is mandatory in the submission metadata. Author and co-author registrations must be completed with full name for the purpose of issuing documents.

c) In the Indexing item, all fields must be duly completed.

d) Sending the letter of authorization for publication, digitalized in .pdf format and inserted as a supplementary document, upon submission, specifying in detail the type of contribution given in the preparation of the research and the resulting manuscript and signed by all those involved. See template below:


To the Editorial Board of the journal Vigilância Sanitária em Debate – Sociedade, Ciência & Technology (Visa under Debate)

Article Title:

Author(s) name(s):

The author(s) of this manuscript undertake(s) to comply with the following standards:

1) All authors listed above participated in the manuscript and are publicly responsible for it.

2) All authors reviewed the final form of the manuscript and approved it for publication in the journal Vigilância Sanitária em Debate – Sociedade, Ciência & Technology (Visa in Debate).

3) The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal. These data, or others substantially similar in content, have not been published, are not being submitted to another journal, or have been published as part of a book.

4) Specify the individual contribution of each author.


Authors' Contribution: Bôas MHSV, Neves GHR - Conception, planning (study design), acquisition, analysis, interpretation of data and writing of the work. Teixeira SN - Conception, planning (study design). All authors approved the final version of the work.

5) The author(s) agree to assign the copyright of the article to the journal Vigilância Sanitária em Debate – Sociedade, Ciência & Technology (Visa in Debate).


Responsible Author Signature

Signature of the Co-author(s)

e) Sending the Declaration of Copyright, it is sufficient that the authors agree with the terms of the Declaration of Copyright at the time of submission. See model below: DECLARATION OF COPYRIGHT - TERM OF ASSIGNMENT OF COPYRIGHTS

The author(s) hereinafter referred to as ASSIGNOR, hereby assigns and transfers, free of charge, the ownership of copyrights relating to the WORK to the JOURNAL Vigilância Sanitária em Debate – Sociedade, Ciência & Tecnologia (Visa in Debate) and, represented by FUNDAÇÃO OSWALDO CRUZ, established at Av. Brasil, nº 4365, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, CEP 21045-900, hereinafter referred to as ASSIGNEE, under the conditions described below: 1. The ASSIGNOR declares that he/she is (are) author(s) and holder(s) of the copyright ownership of the submitted WORK. 2. The ASSIGNOR declares that the WORK does not infringe copyright and/or other property rights of third parties, that the dissemination of images (if they exist) has been authorized and that it assumes full moral and/or patrimonial responsibility for its content, before third parties. 3. The ASSIGNOR assigns and transfers all copyrights relating to the WORK to the ASSIGNEE, especially the rights of edition, publication, translation into another language and reproduction by any process or technique. The ASSIGNEE becomes the exclusive owner of the rights relating to the WORK, and any reproduction, in whole or in part, in any other means of dissemination, printed or electronic, is prohibited without prior written authorization from the ASSIGNEE. 4. The assignment is free of charge and, therefore, there will be no remuneration for the use of the WORK by the ASSIGNEE.

f) Submission of the Form on Compliance with Open Science, must be inserted as a supplementary document, at the time of submission. Follow the form below:

Open Science Compliance Form

Using this form, authors inform the journal about the manuscript's compliance with Open Science communication practices. Authors are asked to inform: (a) whether the manuscript is a preprint and, if so, its location; (b) whether data, program codes, and other material underlying the manuscript text are properly cited and referenced; and, (c) whether opening options are accepted in the peer review process.


Manuscript deposit on a preprint server recognized by the journal.

Is the manuscript a preprint?

( ) Yes - Preprints server name:

Preprint DOI:

( ) No

Availability of Research Data and Other Materials

Authors are encouraged to make available all content (data, program code, and other materials) underlying the text of the manuscript prior to or at the time of publication. Exceptions are allowed for legal and ethical issues. The objective is to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscript and, if approved, contribute to the preservation and reuse of contents and the reproducibility of research.

Is the content underlying the text of the manuscript already available in its entirety and without restrictions or will it be at the time of publication?

( ) Yes:

( ) the contents underlying the research text are contained in the manuscript

( ) the contents are already available

( ) the contents will be available at the time of publication of the article

Here are titles and respective URLs, accession numbers or DOIs of the files of the contents underlying the text of the article (use one line for each data):

( ) No:

( ) data are available upon request from reviewers

( ) after publication the data will be available on demand to the authors – condition justified in the manuscript

( ) data may not be made publicly available. Justify the following:

Openings in peer review

Authors may choose one or more means of opening the peer review process offered by the journal.

When offered the option, do the authors agree with the publication of the opinions of the manuscript approval evaluation?

( ) Yes

( ) No

When offered the option, do authors agree to interact directly with reviewers responsible for evaluating the manuscript?

( ) Yes

( ) No Back to top

11. Manuscript judging process

Submitted manuscripts that comply with the “Instructions for authors” and are in accordance with the journal's editorial policy will be forwarded for evaluation. In case of submission to a section with peer review (eg articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review will be followed.

To be published, the manuscript must be approved in the following steps:

Pre-analysis: the first analysis is carried out by the Editors-in-Chief. It consists of reviewing aspects of form and scientific writing, based on originality, pertinence, academic quality and relevance of the manuscript for Health Surveillance. Afterwards, an associate editor will be assigned to conduct the editorial process;

External peer review: the manuscripts selected in the pre-analysis will be submitted to the evaluation of specialists in the subject addressed. At this stage, the ad hoc reviewers will assess the scientific merit and content of the manuscripts, with the aim of improving them. The opinions will be analyzed by the associate editor, who will be able to propose to the Editors-in-Chief the approval or not of the manuscript;

Writing/Style: The technical reading of the texts and standardization in the style of the Journal complete the evaluation process.

It should be noted that, at all stages, more than one round of review may be required.

At all stages of the editorial process, considerations will be sent to authors with a defined deadline for returning the reformulated version of the manuscript. Authors are recommended to pay attention to the communications that will be sent to the e-mail address informed at the time of submission, as well as to observe the deadlines for response. Failure to observe deadlines for response, especially when not justified within the specified period, may be a reason for discontinuing the editorial process of the manuscript.

Manuscripts that are rejected, but with the possibility of reformulation, may return as a new work, initiating another judgment process.

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