Analysis of the return profile of intravenous chemotherapy protocols at a philanthropic hospital intravenous in Salvador-BA
Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, v.12: e02054 | Published on: 15/07/2024
Pharmacoeconomics, Aantineoplastics, ChemotherapyAbstract
Introduction: The increase in the costs of cancer treatments is configured as a relevant problem for health services linked to the constant incorporation of new drugs for cancer treatment. This growth in expenses reflects the challenge of managing resources to meet the needs of the oncologic area. It is necessary to optimize resources in view of the growing demand and associated costs. In the scenario where patients receive personalized treatments, changes in therapy are possible, causing some returns of antineoplastic drugsand increasing costs in health services. Objective: To analyze the profile of returns of chemotherapy drugs handled by the Pharmacy sector and the relationship with costs in a philanthropic hospital in Salvador. Method: This was a cross-sectional, retrospective, and analytical study conducted between August 2019 and August 2020. Data were collected through forms obtained after the return of chemotherapy. Information such as the drug name, dose, reuse status, and reason for return were evaluated. Data were tabulated using SPSS software. Results: 171 chemotherapy bags were returned involving 19 active ingredients. The clinical factor accounted for 59.1% of the returns. Cisplatin accounted for 14.6% of the returns. Carboplatin was the most discarded drug, representing 16.9% of the lost bags, whereas Cisplatin had the highest rate of reuse. In pharmacoeconomics, the returns represented the value of R$ 13,887.87. The hospital lost R$ 7,475.61 with the discarded products but saved R$ 6,412.21 through reuse. Conclusions: Oncology needs to be linked to pharmacoeconomics and to minimize discards, strategies should be adopted.
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