Artisanal production of dairy foods in Goiás: analysis of regulations and the Selo Arte scenario
Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, v.12: e02154 | Published on: 15/07/2024
Agroindustry, Artisanal, Informality, Dairy Products, Sanitary InspectionAbstract
Introduction: The State of Goiás has significant food production from family rural agro-industries. Objective: Considering this scenario and the recent publication of legislation on the crafting of foods of animal origin, the objective of this article was to broaden the debate on the topic through a historical-critical analysis of the federal and state regulations in Goiás, as well as to characterize the enterprises that were granted Selo Arte in the state. Method: Documentary research was carried out in order to identify the current legislation, and field research was conducted using a questionnaire that was applied to all five producers who acquired Selo Arte in Goiás. Results: As a result, it was observed that there are many gaps and bottlenecks in the legislation related to artisanal products, which hinder the formal commercialization of artisanal products and the regularization of rural agro-industries. As for the Goiás enterprises that have the Selo Arte, despite having some similarities, it was not possible to identify a characteristic pattern, most likely because the legislation is recent and few establishments have obtained the concession, which does not generate a significant quantity for comparisons. Conclusions: In conclusion, it was observed that it is essential to improve legislation at the federal, state, and municipal levels with a view to encouraging the legalization of food processing from rural agro-industries, especially family-owned ones.
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