Infographic on quality deviation: educational tool on technical complaints about blood bags to guide health services

Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, v.12: e02339 | Publicado em: 19/12/2024




Health Surveillance, Patient Safety, Medical Device Legislation, Education Continuing


Introduction: The Blood Bag consists of sterile plastic bags that store fractions of blood, classified as risk III by the Ministry of Health (MS), and subjected to various compliance tests, which are crucial for transfusion procedures and disease treatment. Post-market monitoring of this input is carried out by the Technovigilance System in Brazil through the Notification System in Sanitary Surveillance (Notivisa), which is mandatory for companies holding registration and optionally for healthcare professionals. Objective: To propose an educational infographic based on the main technical complaints reported for Blood Bags in Notivisa from 2013 to 2016, according to a reference study. Method: This is a descriptive methodological study, involving documentary analysis and the  construction of an educational technological product based on the production of an infographic from a reference study (Cruz et al., 2018). Results: The infographic is based on the main technical complaints reported for Blood Bags in Notivisa between 2013 and 2016, according to a reference study. During this period, 458 notifications of technical complaints were received, reporting 520 problems. The most frequently reported reasons were: bent or broken needle (15.6%), seal defects (10.2%), and leakage of the anticoagulant and/or preservative solution (9.6%), all representing risks of adverse events due to potential compromise of the input quality. Conclusions: The infographic could be a simplified information and education tool for healthcare professionals, strengthening the implementation of patient safety culture and contributing to care qualification. Additionally, it brings scientific and technical information closer in a more accessible and playful way, reducing the complexity of scientific results.


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How to Cite

Infographic on quality deviation: educational tool on technical complaints about blood bags to guide health services: Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, v.12: e02339 | Publicado em: 19/12/2024. (2024). Health Surveillance under Debate: Society, Science & Technology , 12, 1-11.

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