Quality strawberry as the safety
Maximum Residue Level, Quality, Chemical SafetyAbstract
The strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) production is affected by many pests and diseases, leading many producers to adopt inappropriate practices such as excessive use of pesticides which can affect fruit quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of strawberries as the chemical safety of pesticides. 27 strawberry samples from orchards in the region of Campinas-SP were analyzed. The samples packed in cardboard boxes and identified by producer were then taken to a laboratory accredited by INMETRO, for residue analysis. Products recommended for strawberry crops by MAPA as well as nom recommended ones, cited in recent PARA reports of 2008 and 2009 were evaluated. The results showed that 12 out of the 27 samples evaluated had at least one irregularity. The use of unauthorized products chlorfenapyr and folpet, pyrimethanil and ipridiona with MRL above the maximum levels allowed was detected. These irregularities highlight flaws in the strawberry production system, which makes its consumption unsafe, as has been reported by ANVISA in PARA reports. Therefore, it is essential to implement effective health surveillance actions, focusing on monitoring and evaluation of residues in strawberry crops.Downloads
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