Fats in bread products sold in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Trans Fat, Nutrition Labelling, BakeriesAbstract
The type of oils/fats used in bread manufacturing affects the sensory and nutritional properties of bread products. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the types of oils/fats described on the labels of bread products (n = 320) sold in bakeries and supermarkets (n = 23) in the central region of Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The chi-squared test (χ²) was used to analyze the data. Approximately 20% of the bread products available were not labeled. These products were made at the in-store bakeries. The assessment of the ingredient lists revealed that the most common oils/fats were vegetable fats (possible sources of trans fats) (32%), vegetable oils (25%), and palm oil (18%). However, only 5.6% of the bread products indicated the presence of trans fats on their labels. The bread products with the highest concentration of vegetable fats were hamburger buns/hot dog rolls (92%), small soft rolls (bisnaguinhas) (92%), and sliced bread (82%). Industrially produced whole-grain bread primarily contained vegetable oils (88%). Sweet bread products were manufactured with animal fats and hydrogenated vegetable fats (100%) and showed higher quantities of total fat. These results indicate that labeling of bread products needs upgradations; industrial bread products (particularly whole-grain bread) contain healthier fats, which are listed on their labels; and hamburger buns/hot dog rolls, small soft rolls, sliced bread, and sweet bread are the least healthy options.Downloads
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