Occupational risks in the manipulation of antineoplastic in clinical veterinarians in the of Rio de Janeiro city
antineoplastic, occupational risks, veterinarians, safetyAbstract
Veterinarians are constantly exposed to chemical physical and biological risks during professional practice. Veterinarians from 78 out of 88 fi ve-year functioning establishments in the city of Rio de Janeiro were interviewed about antineoplastics usage and individual protective measures and the associated toxic effects. As informed, vincristine (100%) is the most widely used anticancer, followed by cyclophosphamide (27.02%). None of the clinics visited had any laminar fl ow chamber; 58.10% of professionals weren’t using masks to manipulate anticancers; 16.20% weren’t using gloves and 14.85% weren’t using any type of IEP; 30% reported not to be aware of antineoplastics toxicity. Most veterinarians related that during graduation course no proper orientation on occupational chemical risks was provided. Health surveillance measures should be taken in order to decrease risks regarding handling antineoplastic drugs in veterinary clinics.
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