Health Surveillance actions durin g the COVID-19 pandemic
Health Surveillance; COVID-19; Information DisseminationAbstract
Introduction: In times of the COVID-19 pandemic, health surveillance, as well as other health sectors, needed to adapt to develop its activities in a new challenging context. Objective: To describe the actions of health surveillance professionals in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This is an experience report about the work in the sector of health surveillance during the pandemic in a Regional Health Center in the state of Bahia. Results: Actions undertaken in a health barrier were reported, including: welcoming, lectures, respiratory symptoms testing and notifcation, as well as the offer of continuing health education activities, in person and on-line, meetings with municipal managers, and other actions performed by the team, highlighting the intersectoral and intersectoral nature. Conclusions: The experience of the work conducted is consistent with the proposals of the Contingency Plan. Partnerships are of paramount importance for the professionals working in the sector of health surveillance and others, given the complexity of the pandemic moment. The experience also represents a learning process in dealing with new technological tools and allowed the creation of spaces for reflecting on work processes, as well as on new possibilities of approaching in light of the current challenges.
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