Himalayan pink salt: iodine, colorants research and labeling evaluation
Sodium Chloride, Iodination, Legislation, Iodine DeficiencyAbstract
Introduction: Himalayan pink salt has stood out in the Brazilian market for its attractive colors, in addition to appeals to the consumer that highlight it as a “more natural” product and with a great diversity of minerals as it is a rock salt. The iodine content in pink salt consumed in the country is still little discussed, but vital to keep Iodine Deficiency Disorders (DDIs) under control. Objective: Evaluate Himalayan pink salt samples for iodine contents,
presence of artificial colorants and labeling. Method: Seventy-one samples from thirteen cities of the São Paulo State were analyzed for determination of iodine added as iodate, qualitative testing colorants, and labeling evaluation based on Brazilian legislation. Results: A high rate of unsatisfactory iodine content was found (56%), even higher in salts sold in bulk (74%). It was found that among the unsatisfactory samples, the highest percentage of inadequacy (28%) was the absence of iodine, exposing the consumers of this product at risk for DDIs. The most
frequent labeling irregularity was the absence of iodine declaration (46%), with contradictions between label declaration and effective presence evaluated analytically. Unforeseen (27%) or superlative (14%) quality expressions were verified, as well as claims not supported by scientific
studies, such as 60% reduction in sodium and presence of 84 minerals. No sample showed colorants addition. Conclusions: Himalayan pink salt samples analyzed showed important irregularities for health of the population, especially regarding the iodine content, but also labeling inaccuracies that compromise access to correct information about the product.
Copyright (c) 2022 Marcia Regina Pennacino do Amaral-Mello, Jamila Barbosa, Nelson Aranha Dias, Roberta Franceze Paiva Martins , Regina Sorrentino Minazzi-Rodrigues
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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