Vaccination coverage of rotavirus and Hepatitis A in a region of the Amazon without satisfactory sanitation
Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2025, v.13: e02284 | Published on: 19/03/2025
Epidemiology, Public Health, ImmunizationsAbstract
Introduction: The National Immunization Program (PNI) represents a major advance in Brazilian public health. Despite this, there are several challenges to its real implementation and the achievement of vaccination targets, especially in remote areas such as the Amazon. Objective: To analyze the Vaccination Coverage (VC) of Human Oral Rotavirus Vaccine (HORV) and hepatitis A in the health region of Lower Amazonas, Pará, which lacks services considered satisfactory for basic sanitation. Method: A descriptive epidemiological study was conducted using a quantitative approach using secondary data obtained from the Information System of the National Immunization Program (PNI) between 2018 and 2022. Results: In the years evaluated, the study region had an average VC of 63.2% and 59.5% for HORV and hepatitis A, respectively. Of the 14 municipalities evaluated, which made up the Lower Amazon region, only five in 2018 and 2019, one in 2020, and four in 2022 reached the minimum 90% VC recommended by the Ministry of Health (MH) for HORV. The municipalities that met the ideal 95% VC established by the MH were four in 2018, two in 2019, and one in 2020 for hepatitis A. It is worth noting that during the height of the pandemic, VC declined considerably, reaching 54.8% for rotavirus and 47.5% for hepatitis A in 2021. Conclusions: Strategies to achieve the VC targets for HORV and hepatitis A in the Lower Amazon region should be encouraged on an emergency basis to prevent disease and promote health.
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