Aerobic mesophilic bacteria count and physical and chemical characteristics of breast milk stored in polyethylene packages
Human Milk, Human Milk Bank, Brazilian Network of Human Milk Banks, Bag for Storage of Human Milk, Glass BottleAbstract
Objective: To determine the aerobic mesophilic bacteria count in pasteurized human milk and to evaluate the influence of polyethylene bags on the physicochemical characteristics of raw and pasteurized human milk. Methods: 55 samples of human milk coming from the Human Milk Bank of Herculano Pinheiro Hospital and Fernandes Figueira Institute were analyzed. An aerobic mesophilic count was performed when determining the sanitary hygienic quality of pasteurized human milk. Dornic acidity, energy, fat, lactose and proteins in raw and pasteurized human milk were taken before and after 15-day storage in the packages. The influence of the package was analyzed using ANOVA. Values of p < 0.05 were considered significant. Results: The occurrence of mesophiles in pasteurized human milk ranged from 0 to 12%. The raw and pasteurized human milk had < 8oD acidity, indicating good handling practices and appropriate sanitary hygienic conditions. The fat, energy, protein and lactose of human milk in the polyethylene bag and glass were averaged: 3.2–3,5%, 65–68 kcal/dL, 6.0% and 0.9–1.3%, respectively. No significant differences were observed in the physicochemical characteristics of human milk among the packages. Conclusion: Polyethylene packaging for human milk storage can be a viable alternative to milk banks.Downloads
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