Favorable and unfavorable factors for the implementation of a Quality Management System in bodies of the National Health Surveillance System: the pilot experience in two states and two Brazilian municipalities
Vigil Sanit Debate, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, v.12: e02282| Published on: 13/12/2024
Quality Management, Health Surveillance, Unified Health System, National Health Surveillance SystemAbstract
Introduction: Implementation quality management principles in the National Health Surveillance System (SNVS) by developing planning, monitoring, and evaluation strategies, models, and managerial tools, has been presented as a structural requirement for qualifying health promotion and protection actions, aiming at national and international regulatory convergence, as well as continuous improvement of the very actions perpetrated by SNVS. Objective: Analyzing factors deemed favorable or unfavorable for the implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) in four SNVS institutions. Method: Descriptive, bibliographic, and documentary study aimed at identifying and describing aspects related to the implementation of QMS in four SNVS institutions, using documents prepared by its representatives. Results: Favorable and unfavorable factors have been grouped according to three dimensions: organizational, methodological, and conjunctural. The commitment of leadership to the implementation of QMS, the commitment of the teams, and the support of an external consultancy have prevailed as favorable factors, whereas the difficulty in understanding the quality management technical language used in the QMS model was the most unfavorable factor. Conclusions: The favorable factors may have been previously organized and dealt with by the teams, in order to strengthen the implementation and its effects on the performance of the SNVS. Unfavorable factors, even those related to the intrinsic characteristics of public administration, are equally liable to be overcome, so as not hamper the implementation of the management model based on the continuous improvement of processes.
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