Network solidarity in health surveillance: a management network for street food in Salvador, BA - Brazil
Health Services Management and Planning, Solidarity Networks, Street Food, Health Surveillance, Sanitary Risk ManagementAbstract
This study aims to analyze the limits and possibilities of network array as an alternative to the management of risks related to street food. It discusses the relevance of solidarity network organization in Health Surveillance based in a case study of the Street food management network in Salvador/BA between 2008 and 2011. The methodology include semi structured interviews with the network members and the utilization of images that reveal aspects of street food situation in Salvador as an stimulus to detect problems on a daily basis. The results include the descriptions of the agents’ perception who are involved in the network’s organization and operation and the difficulties in its maintenance and consolidation. The study concludes that the network array is a responsible and solidary way to manage the inherent risks of street food and suggests other studies on Health Surveillance practices management to be conducted.Downloads
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