Artisanal sururu (Mytella guyanensis) processing by RESEX at Bay Iguape´s marisqueiras: quality evaluation before and after educational intervention
Bivalve, training, culture, Good Manufacturing Practices, Sanitary SurveillanceAbstract
This study aimed to verify the hygienic behaviour of marisqueiras (female shellfish catchers) from the Marine Extractive Reserve (RESEX) at Bay of Iguape (Bahia) when processing sururu, before and after educational activities regarding Good Manufacturing Practices. This is a study focused on intervention with an educative nature, which was developed in three stages: in stage I, a microbiological analysis was carried out with sururu samples, and marisqueiras’ routine was monitored; in stage II, an educative action was performed considering Good Manufacturing Practices; and in stage III, an evaluation with a replication of stage I methodology was performed. Inadequacies were observed in sururu processing, such as: inadequate installations, utensils in a precarious state, incorrect cleaning of equipment and utensils, presence of vectors, use of cloths in the cooking, and use of improper water for handling. After the educational activity, there was a reduction in the microbial concentration of marisqueiras’ hands, of the utensils, and of the microbial count of sururu. An improvement in the quality of the utensils and in the use of hair protector during sururu processing was also observed. However, it was not observed the use of uniforms or aprons, and the use of cloth in pre-cooking was preserved. It is concluded that there was a slight change in the hygienic behaviour of marisqueiras, and continuity of technical capacitation is advised.Downloads
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