
About the Journal

Health Surveillance under Debate: Society, Science & Technology – Visa em Debate is a continuous open access publication exclusively online edited by the National Institute for Quality Control in Health (INCQS) from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) since 2012, which also has the support of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). Visa em Debate is an important scientific dissemination vehicle for Health Surveillance, contributing to the Unified Health System.

Its mission is to publish original multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary texts of scientific articles, debates, reviews, short communications, experience reports, letters, reviews and summaries that contribute to the study and development of Health Surveillance and related disciplines, with the aim of disseminating knowledge applicable to the field of health promotion, disease prevention and other health problems, as well as the structuring, organization and functioning of the unified health system in the scope of health risk regulation.

The journal accepts texts in Portuguese, Spanish and English. The magazine's abbreviation for the caption is Vigil. sanit. debate (ABNT standard).

The works submitted to the journal are the full and exclusive responsibility of the authors and cannot be submitted simultaneously to another journal, in full or in part. In the event of approval and publication of the work in the journal, the copyright relating to it will become the property of the journal, which adopts the Creative Commons License CC-BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.pt ) and the open access policy, therefore, the texts are available for anyone to read, download, copy, print, share, reuse and distribute, with proper citation of the source and authorship. In these cases, no permission is required from the authors or publishers.

The journal has an Editorial Board that contributes to the definition of its editorial policy.

We look forward to submitting your work!

Current Issue

v. 13 (2025) | Continuous publication
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